> Spiritual
The Tau
Community of Saint Francis
We are a Family of like minded individuals who
seek empowerment through Spirituality, Education and Training
providing excellence, equality and respect for all who join
our family of soul seekers in search of UNITY, PEACE, HARMONY,
As a family of committed Light Workers we share
the same ideals, philosophies, spiritual values in an all loving,
all embracing Father Mother God/dess that unites all of us as
one community in providing high quality training, nurturing
and support for all its members.
Our core values as a loving family of Light
Workers is to share 'Love and Light' to all who seek our support
by providing client led services that are all embracing, all
loving and sensitive to the needs of our local communities and
all who ask for our support.
Our members come from all walks of life and
as a family we are totally united in our common purpose in providing
services for Carers and clients that are non judgmental, all
embracing regardless of Colour, Ethnicity, Disability, Sexuality
or Religious Persuasion.
As a committed interfaith spiritual family
we have all made an undertaking to support our new commitment
as brothers and sisters sharing a common vision by forming the
Tau Community for all Light Workers, Carers and like minded
therapists to join our spiritual family, embracing the healing
energies of the Angelic Realms; the Divine Feminine and Christ
Consciousness underpinned by the Angel (Feng Shui) Bagua and
the ancient teachings of the Nazarene Essenes.
Our vision is to share
with you and others only the purest love from a heart of love.
As Light Workers of integrity, we aim to Empower YOU embrace
your inner essence as a child of Love and Light and together
we can make a difference in a world that is searching for simplicity
and truth!
The Family of Tau is
an interfaith community open to all Therapists, Light Workers,
Carers and like-minded persons who are searching for a spiritual
pathway that is not a cult!
We have been guided by the Ascended Masters
to reunite as a Spiritual family that is now fragmented by ego
to practice Love and Light in our daily life. We have been instructed
by Mother Mary to adopt the spirituality and core values of
Saint Francis of Assisi who represented only Love, Peace, Integrity,
Spiritual Freedom, Honesty, Harmony, Balance, Love for Mother
Earth and the animal kingdom.
are a Spiritual Family of like-minded seekers in search of Spiritual
Truth. We consist of ordinary men and women who live simple
yet ordinary lives, yet our daily lives are lived out in an
extraordinary way by sharing a common vision for the total well
being of our local community, our country and the wider global
village. Our hearts are permanently fixed on sharing Love and
Light through engaging in normal everyday activities. Our core
values as a committed spiritual family empowers each one of
us to make time for feeding and nurturing not just our mind
and body but feeding spiritual food to our Spirit through quiet
moments of silence and daily prayer either alone; with our loved
ones, or with each other. We perceive 'Prayer' as anything spiritual
that raises our consciousness to celebrate life and the sharing
and exchanging of our love for each other with others in the
presence of the 'I AM PRESENCE.'
Our Members are invited to embrace issues that
affect each one of us on a global scale by sending out Love
and Light. We are perceived as 'Spiritual Eco Warriors' re-educating
society to respect the planet, a free gift to us from Source
on a loan basis. Our core values are to address any imbalance
in equality, peace, love, unity, harmony and hatred for another
brother or sister. As members of the same global community,
we have shared responsibilities to be 'spiritual advocates'
and nurture Love and Light by sharing Love to all. When a brother
or sister is in pain then we as one spiritual family are also
affected both indirectly and directly!
Being a member of the Tau Community is joining
a family of 'soul mates' that eventually become Friends for
We are not a religious 'cult' rather a unique
experience of embracing a 'Spiritual Way of Life' that is all
embracing and all loving, accepting each member as our teacher.
Joining our spiritual family is taking a step
closer to being an enlightened 'Spiritual Eco Warrior' for Source,
the Divine Feminine, empowering all Light Workers to meet the
spiritual and holistic needs of a changing /faceless world that
has lost sight of its Divinity, Purpose and Mission.
"Hold back nothing
of yourself for yourself, so that he who gives
Himself totally to you may receive you totally." St. Francis.
On Graduation and final Auttunement Day, our
Therapist's are presented with the Tau symbol to wear on their
person to show the world that we are 'One Spiritual Family'
in service with Mother Earth and all that serves the 'I AM PRESENCE,'
promoting harmony, balance and divine connectedness within the
family of Love and Light. We as an interfaith community of Light
Workers and Carers can affect change only from within!
It has been prophesied that when everything
is right with the New World and the energies and vibrations
are high, people will tend to live in communities. Money will
probably be a thing of the past and, as of old, the trades people,
artists, therapists, etc. will share their gifts with others.
Life will be lived peacefully as it was meant to be. People
will not be lonely or greedy. The communities will be safe places
to live and fellowship will be shared.
To learn more about the Tau Community, we invite
you to contact us at:
The Hon. Membership Secretary,
Tau Community,
Chapel Gap,
Storth Road,
Cumbria LA7 7JL
Tel: +0044-(0)1524-762292
Email: taumembers@aol.com
Community's base is in Storth, south of Cumbria, England, where
it is the home for a small international, inter-faith community
of like-minded therapists who have committed their lives to
being in service to Love and Light - the 'I AM PRESENCE, founded
there in 2003 by ex nursing monk, Sean Bradley. Our members
currently live out their calling in their own homes but reunite
four times each year for support and training. The community
has representatives in America, Madeira and Ireland. Our sole
mission is to have a presence in every country where there is
anarchy and where love is denied all.
This new family is committed to embracing spirituality
'Christ Consciousness', underpinned by the teachings of the
Nazarene Essenes and St. Francis for a period of time or for
their whole life, to spiritual sharing and to a great simplicity
of life. Today, the community is made up of several therapists
and lay members, representing members of the interfaith community
in our society and whose ethos is to lead not by lofty words
but by example and simplicity.
At the heart of daily life in the Tau family
are two times of prayer individually or together when we are
able to unite as one family. It is our common vision that as
co creators of God, we have an important duty to care for our
souls and each other, as we are all brothers and sisters of
Christ. When a brother or sister is wounded or experiencing
difficulties, we are all affected. Our way of life is greatly
influenced by the teachings of Jesus and the Canticle of the
Creatures by St. Francis. We have a duty to share and inspire
others to respect the landscape, our free gift from God, by
re-educating society to not exploit or destroy God's love gift.
We know that the elements, seasons and Nature Spirits who have
safeguarded the universe and our landscape since the very beginning
of time are now in revolt with man for abusing that free gift.
The climatic changes that are affecting our world are as a direct
result of man's greed, abuse of power and total alienation from
God. Man has stepped out of the divine plan and has jeopardised
our very survival as a result of his disobedience to God's laws.
Mother Earth invites each one of us who work
with the Divine to embrace her motherly love and be guided by
the Elementals, Tree Devas and Nature Spirits. We as Light Workers
are now inspired to redress this imbalance by challenging our
civil leaders to adopt eco friendly measures that will safeguard
our survival and protect the universe from being destroyed.
It is in our best interest to take responsibility for our own
actions and act in accordance with God's will for us, our family,
our local community, our country, our world.
Each member who joined the academy, originally
came to one of Sean's many workshops and immediately connected
with his inimitable style. We knew that here was no ordinary
man who sought the adulation of the ego but who lived and spoke
truth from his heart. Curiosity got the better of most who came
and wanted to know more about resolving long standing hurts
that were as a direct result of living within a Christian family.
We all felt a sense of disillusionment and betrayal by the Priests
and Ministers who instead of representing God, represented their
egos and generated a fear based religion that portrayed God
as some tyrant. Through working with Sean we have found the
contrary that what we were actually experiencing was religion
that had lost its vision and what we were searching for was
a simple spirituality that was not fear based but replaced by
selfless, unconditional love and light. We have found that love
in the academy where we have rediscovered a caring and loving
family of like-minded brothers and sisters who accept us for
who we are as a child of God. Unlike many other such organisations
that provide training in holistic therapies for carers and therapists,
the framework of support is based on Sean's years of working
as a nurse in a profession that lost sight of the humanity of
the carer and when that nurse became ill, they were statistic
and discarded him as irrelevant.
As a group of student therapists we all joined the academy with
'excessive baggage' that was separating us from connecting with
the Divine. Our personal relationships with family and spouses
were causing most of us great emotional pain and we recognised
that the vast majority of us were 'rescuers' demanding radical
surgery to set us free. We soon recognised that we had some
serious work to do before we could be let loose on our clients.
Then our hearts were guided to seek out Sean and our journey
to spiritual freedom began in earnest. We were each offered
sanctuary at Chapel Gap in Storth, our spiritual home, and empowered
to release all negative mind-sets that had infiltrated our mind,
body and spirit separating us from our divinity.
Sean's teachings were all based on a more simplified
life style that was greatly influenced by St. Francis and the
orthodox teachings of Christ. We were empowered to acknowledge
our inner core issues and release them to the Divine Mother
in the presence of Christ who touched our hearts and set us
free. Most, if not all of us have had to choose to leave our
beloved Christian families and live in a wilderness of isolation
that denied us personal growth and spiritual development. Our
walk is now a spiritual pathway that is more open and receptive
to clarity, simplicity and truth. The teachings that each one
of us has experienced over the past several years have shown
us the real importance that 'Prayer and Meditation' should play
in our daily lives as Light Workers in service to the Christ
healing energies. These were to become the sacred tools that
would enrich our daily spiritual lives and instead of engaging
with the dramas of the world, we were encouraged at every level
of our training to send only love and light from our hearts.
In 1999, Sean was given a special gift from
the Angelic Realms called the divine blueprint, the Angel Bagua
that was to underpin the core values and teachings of all the
therapists who came to work with the Christ, Magdalene and angelic
have all at some point in our lives been governed by our head
that has denied us from living in the Now as free thinkers.
Our lives were fear driven, which resulted in low self esteem;
low self worth; lack of confidence in our ability to make a
change; living in relationships that were destroying our very
peace. Through the teachings of the Essenes, their daily affirmations
have had a positive mind-set and reprogrammed our spiritual
DNA. Now as one family who share one common bond and that bond
is our commitment to spread love and light empowering many to
reconnect with the Christ /Magdalene /Angelic healing energies
and be set free to choose their spiritual pathway that will
enrich their personal relationships with Source, the Divine
Feminine and the Christ Consciousness. By demonstrating the
ancient therapy of anointing the hands and feet of each other
and of our clients, as demonstrated by Mary Magdalene, our teacher,
we are connecting souls to the Divine through a simple act of
'Love thy neighbour as thyself' and in truth, demonstrating
the core values of Christ's love for all who 'come and rest
awhile' in service to the Father Mother God. The commandment
or terms of engagement with God is to Love God in everything
that lives, moves and has its very existence as emanating from
When Sean, heard the words of Jesus to 'come
follow me' it challenged him to search for his dream by entering
a monastic community where he served God for 8 years of his
life and another thirty eight years as a qualified nurse caring
for the dying in different parts of the world.
Throughout his life, many came seeking support
from Sean and often they were casualties of having lived in
a religious family whereby they felt isolated by a teaching
that was more head than heart, leaving them disenfranchised
from God who was 'all love.' Church history played an all important
part in trying to discern the voice of God and how one could
make a positive change that would challenge religious leaders
representing all of the creeds known to God to rethink their
practices and practical teachings and come together as one family
and praise the same true loving God. Over a period of time,
many Christians and representatives from various other religions
would come together say once or twice a year for a united service
but nothing ever materialised in the form of one base for shared
prayer. Sean had a vision that instead of each religion building
more churches or temples to worship God that we re-unite and
have many of one and the same place for shared prayer and divine
Sean's dream proved to be the biggest and most
difficult challenge of all by asking God to grant one simple
request that God's family of believers would come together and
worship the divine under the same roof thus eliminating the
diverse choice of religious places of worship. Sean tried to
emulate the teachings of Jesus in his personal and professional
life by adhering to Christ's call, 'that all will be one and
that we should praise the Father Mother God with one mind, heart
and soul'.
Sean was aware of the many divisions within
the family of God and the reluctance of religious leaders to
leave their comfort zone and vacate a comfortable life. It left
him painfully aware of the injustice that so called religion
and their groups inflicted upon other believers who refused
to adhere to their teachings. Each group looked suspiciously
at the other and instead of resolving their differences through
love and light, they generated a culture that was very much
fear based and loaded with religious bigotry and hate that was
to create a world where man's ego pushed God into the background.
Over the centuries, the early Fathers of Christianity
together with the various leaders in other religious denominations
have watered down and tampered with the original teachings of
Christ to his followers. Man lost sight of the simple message
of 'love thy neighbour as thyself' and instead of encouraging
a simple belief in an all loving, forgiving Father Mother God,
we have become disenfranchised from God through a negativism
that has shackled the children of God resulting a fear based
belief system that has eroded and corroded divine love and replaced
it with a more head centred response. I believe that head =
ego = anti love = antichrist = anti God.
Today, modern man is left with a legacy of spiritual
impoverishment, confusion, resulting in chaos, daily struggles
with tyrants who profess with their minds to love their God
but in their hearts, they are far from Love and Light. Man's
ego has played a crucial role in preventing the words of Jesus
from taking root in their hearts. The world desperately needs
leaders of integrity who are willing to face head on the evils
of ego-based actions and attitudes that separate man from God.
Those who have stood up to tyrants have always paid the price
for daring to speak out for the marginalized in society. The
Essenes were hunted men for their knowledge as was Martin Luther
King and Ghandi, two of the great men of God who feared no evil.
Our therapists and students in the academy are
equally challenged to reconnect with their hearts and embrace
the Barefoot Galilean. Through a process of reprogramming one's
spiritual DNA, based on the teaching of the Essenes, the Light
Worker rediscovers their 'first love' the love of Source and
are challenged to walk a different spiritual path that sets
them free of ego and negative mind-sets allowing them to be
not just exceptional therapists but more importantly, to be
a people of prayer.
The work of the Sean Bradley Academy has at
its roots the principle of empowering clients, therapists and
carers to embrace their inner core issues and release them to
the Love and Light of Christ in God. When we are asked what
it is we do, we encounter rejection and fear can be detected
in the eyes of the enquirer. When the name Jesus enters conversation,
society automatically perceives that we are about religion and
using brainwashing tactics. Nothing could be further from the
truth. We represent spirituality (God's love for us in action)
not religion (perceived as being man made and infused with EGO).
We take the words of Christ that challenged
Holy Father Frances to embrace Love and Light that was to change
his destiny forever! St. Francis used simplicity and love to
spread a simple message that we are all children of the same
God and that whatever we do in the name of that love, we will
be protected and blessed by God. But if we step out of living
and loving God we are not always be guaranteed that same protection.
We are invited each day to re-visit our spiritual core values
and choose the master we wish to serve. Is it our ego or is
it our heart?
Our family of therapists and associates live
a simple life based on the teachings of Jesus and St. Francis.
These teachings have remained unaltered for centuries and many
who have embraced them have found Nirvana - the God/dess within
their higher self. Jesus said, 'That whatever we do in His name,
we do unto God'. We are asked to come and see and be still in
the beauty and silence of the moment and just be! 
So how do we achieve this divine connection?
We do it through our daily prayer, our daily activities of living
and remaining in the world but not of it! We make time to feed
our mind, our body and our spirit through living a life that
empowers us to self heal before healing others. Prayer plays
an important aspect of our service to love and light. We connect
daily with each other either in a group or privately in our
own work places or homes alone or with family. We set our own
rule of life to serve our highest good and the good of the community
and society as a whole.
We know that prayer does move mountains and
many obstacles are overcome for the Light Worker who places
prayer on their 'daily to do list'. To detract from prayer is
like having a limb severed. Prayer is the fuel that lubricates
our higher self to reconnect with the Divine within and around
us each day.
Our success is only as good as the members who remain active,
alive and well in our groups. Each one of the members are invited
to take back their personal power and are encouraged to use
it effectively to rebalance the imbalances in our society through
sharing and releasing love and light not judgement. Many are
invited by Jesus and Mary Magdalene to come and join us as therapists
but when they realized what is involved in acknowledging their
inner core issues and personal involvement, they decide to abandon
self healing and leave. It takes guts to stand and face one's
'shadows' each day, every day but through embracing a family
of like minded Light Workers and supporting each other from
a heart infused with divine love, the members are enriched to
share their love with each other and provide a mechanism that
is practical as well as deeply spiritual.
Our Aims and Core Values as a Family
of Light Workers
To fully understand and comprehend the Aims
of Tau, we need to reflect on who is the 'Wounded Healer'. Many
people who have become therapists do so, because they genuinely
want to help others; many come to train as therapists of the
Academy because they have worked through healing themselves
and feel they are in a position to help others. However, when
we begin to help others, the healing of others naturally brings
up unfinished business within ourselves. Unless we are fully
aware of this, we can end up projecting our problems onto the
already traumatized client /patient, sometimes in a very subtle
What has this to do with healers? Well, I believe
that any agendas lying unanswered within a person may surface
when treating a patient/client. I would say that all healers
first and foremost duty is to their clients /patients, and to
act with the utmost humility, compassion and ethics, understanding
that their skills do not come from themselves, but from God.
Then they have a duty to themselves to keep body and mind as
pure as possible through right nutrition, right thoughts and
right actions.
Maybe it seems a tall order, but when many lives
are at stake, it is a necessary order. The world needs powerful
healers who are in control of themselves and know who they are.
Are YOU working from a safe place right now? If not, then maybe
we can help each other to grow…
We achieve our aims by listening to the voice
of Jesus, 'Love one another as I have loved You.' We do this
- Sharing His love and light when we meet
as one caring family of soul seekers in a community, the
academy is made up of brothers and sisters who share one
common goal. That goal is divine love rooted in the orthodox
teachings of Jesus, the Nazarene Essene, underpinned by
the ancient teachings of St. Francis and the Angel Healing
- Empowering each other to feel safe and
loved as one family who care for the whole person.
- Respecting confidentiality as sacrosanct.
- Encouraging each other to speak one's
truth from a place of love.
- To observe negative voices that may colour
one's judgement of a fellow therapist thus loosing out on
their skills and gifts for the whole family. We are to eradicate
discontent at grass roots level.
- Embracing the Christ / Magdalene energies
within each other through mutual respect and managing diversity
with love not hate.
- Supporting a fellow member /therapist
who may have lost sight of boundaries in their relationships
with each other and or, with their clients.

The Tau Franciscan Cross for Peace and Unity for all
Our Vision for the
TAU Community
Currently, we have different types of membership
depending on the availability and commitment of each new member
to the Tau Community.
As a small band of caring therapists and Light
Workers we are confident that OUR SHARED VISION of becoming
kingdom builders -not kingdom wreckers by ignoring the plight
of the our brothers and sisters in need; safeguarding the
world and its survival from destruction because of greed and
power; by ensuring we are all free to enjoy the free gift
from The Father Mother God and Mother Earth. Our Shared Vision
is embodied in the very prayer of St Francis:
Lord, make
me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in
giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
A part of that shared vision is to:
1. Obtain Charitable Status for the community
within the next 2 years.
2. Locate a suitable property here in the south
Lakes in a tranquil, rural location that will support a small
community of brothers and sisters to live out the Gospel of
Love, Light and Peace supported by the members to run retreats,
provide support for therapists and carers in need of counselling,
support, respite, healing courses and therapies.
3. Centralise our courses and healing workshops
at the Tau Centre.
4. Foster relations with eco friendly groups
and promote recycling in the local community.
5. Establish Tau communities across the world.
How to contact us:
The Hon. Membership Secretary,
Tau Community,
Chapel Gap,
Storth Road,
Cumbria LA7 7JL
Tel: +0044-(0)1524-762292
Email: taumembers@aol.com