> For Your Extreme Discernment (Tom Kenyon)
A Message from the Hathors
and Tom Kenyon
Tom Kenyon January 2, 2005
The Big Island, Hawaii
have been besieged by an unprecedented number of requests from
many people for my take on the recent earthquake/tsunami disaster
in Asia. Quite frankly, I find such requests a bit unnerving—as
if someone might be giving my thoughts more credence than they
deserve. In any event, I went into meditation a few days ago
to sense what might be in the ethers, so to speak, and in that
process I asked the Hathors (who are interdimensional beings
I have been working with since the early nineties), what they
thought. They told me to go back and read something they had
given me seven months earlier. When I did, I was stunned.
The message below is what they gave me last June (2004). It
addresses a wide range of issues, including future Earth changes.
At the time I found it too disturbing to release to the public.
The last thing I wanted to do was add to the New Age glut of
Earth prophecies, dooms day scenarios and general millennium
madness. I decided, for better or worse, to wait it out, and
see if any of what they foresaw actually took place.
Now, as I sit in the pouring rain at Kealakekua Bay in Hawaii,
several days after the earthquake and tsunamis in Asia, I am
sobered by what the Hathors told me back in June. Given the
nature of their message, I wanted to talk about it a little
in order to give it a broader context.
For those of you who don’t know who the Hathors are,
and would like a little more info, you can hop up onto the web
and do a search for Hathors (not to be confused with the Egyptian
fertility goddess, Hator—though they are related)*. There
are many people now working with the Hathors in one way or another.
For the record, I work with thirteen mentors out of an intergalactic/interdimensional
civilization of several million (if you accept that mythos).
I am trying to say here is that this viewpoint is one small
cross section of a culture. To say that this message is a message
from “The” Hathors, is like saying that a message
is from The Hopi. There is no “The Hopi”. There
are many individuals making up the Hopi and thus many diverse
opinions as to what should, or should not be done. Just look
at the recent history of the US government bringing water pipes
into the pueblos and you will see what I am talking about. Some
Hopi were for the pipes, while others were not—fearing
the enslavement of water bills and taxes.
My point is that there is almost always a plethora of opinions,
and the Hathors are no different. In this instance, however,
at least as far as I can tell, the thoughts expressed by my
Group are the consensus opinion of the vast majority of the
Hathor culture. There are differing opinions as to the timeline,
since—as they have told me repeatedly—the future
is not a predetermined certainty but rather a multi-dimensional
set of probabilities and possibilities.
I will say this again because I think it is vital to understand
in our current situation:
The future is not a predetermined certainty,
but rather a multi-dimensional set of probabilities and possibilities.
The message, below, addresses several areas of concern, most
notably climatic and Earth changes, but their take, as in so
many things, is quite unique. Essentially they are saying that
we are in a very dangerous passage in regard to our physical
survival, and that, seemingly unknown to us, we collectively
hold a key to our survival—if we will only use it.
The key to which they refer is the act of living in ever-increasing
levels of appreciation. They have commented on this to me on
numerous occasions. The quasi-science on this (meaning this
view is theoretical as opposed to being generally accepted by
mainstream science) is that our DNA responds to our emotional
state (our feelings) and then emits light and energy-patterns
that affect matter. In other words, our DNA somehow affects
our external reality through a process of vortex mechanics.
I am not going to try to describe this here because most people
aren’t interested. You can find research reports on this
type of thing by doing an internet search on—DNA and consciousness.
Especially check out the work of The Heart Math Institute.
In my own personal experiments with appreciation, I have found
that when it is experienced for longer than a few minutes, it
often produces a hypnotic-type feeling of bliss, which I equate
to an increase in endorphins. At the very least, I think most
of us would benefit from regular periods of appreciation/bliss
in the course of our day-to-day lives.
The challenge for many persons is how to feel appreciation
when there is seemingly no reason for it. I have actually addressed
this question in a previous letter, when the Hathors gave a
message on the importance of this emotion, about a year ago.
I think we are facing a collective and global intelligence
test. If we fail to wake up in time to our power as creator-gods,
taking both action and responsibility, knowing that our consciousness
affects external events, we will pass into oblivion—much
like the dinosaurs of old and integrity in government. We are
in a time of immense chaos and transformation. Interestingly,
the Chinese word for transformation consists of two ideograms—both
danger and opportunity. Unquestionably, we live in dangerous
times. I don’t think anyone would deny that. And the evolutionary
task, I think, is for each of us to find the opportunities and
take the actions to transform ourselves even in the midst of
life’s increasing dangers. It would be far easier to contract
into ourselves and re-treat from the world, but I think that
would be a grave mistake—literally.
make things ever more daunting, we are living in the midst of
a dying world, both literally and figuratively. Just read the
latest scientific reports on the condition of the ecosystem,
including the melting of the polar ice caps, and it becomes
crystal clear what dire shape things are in. But the death of
our world also includes the collapse of our modern ways of living
because, quite frankly, they are unsustainable. It hurts both
the Earth and its inhabitants.
So what will the new world look like on the other side of this
metaphorical (or perhaps literal) death? I don’t think
anyone really knows for sure.
What the Hathors say is that we collectively hold a key to
our own survival and destiny. The question is whether we will
wake up in time to use it.
Final Thoughts on Pragmatism
I am a practical person and I don’t usually go for things
that are too-pie-in-the-sky, so when the Hathors’ suggested
that appreciation is the key for changing destiny, I hesitated.
I mean how many of us will it take living in appreciation to
tip the gyroscopic balance of our destiny in favor of our collective
survival? And just how many hours a day does it require to be
in appreciation to be effective?
To be honest, I can’t sustain a continual state of this
emotion for more than a few hours. Something always comes along
to blow it. So I find myself having to regroup my mental carnival
from time to time in order to re-enter the appreciative state.
But when I do, it is well worth the effort. And that may be
the main reason for this mental/emotional discipline—it
increases wellbeing.
I don’t really know if we can tip the collective scale.
I don’t mean to be a pessimist, but it is in my nature.
Actually I am a strange bird, an odd mix of optimist and fatalist.
I usually reside somewhere in the middle, though something can
send me flying to one side or the other, like the pendulum on
an old grandfather clock. But usually I just hang somewhere
midway between up and down. I am the kind of guy who, when he
sees a glass of water, sees it neither half full, nor half empty.
It simply is.
And that’s how I see things currently in the world—it
just is. Yes, I know that last sentence was technically a grammatical
error. I say this for the benefit of those grammarian souls
who live just for the opportunity to pounce upon a misplaced
participle or whatever. Sometimes we need to abandon the rules
in order to make a point. And quite frankly, I think that freedom
of expression should take precedence over rules and grammarian
dogma—when it is needed. In a similar vein, I think we
will collectively need to abandon some of the rules we have
been given on how to live a life—like not making waves
and pretending that everything is alright and that we can continue
to live like we are used to. If we don’t change how we
are living on this planet (both in terms of outer action and
inner feelings) I suspect that soon we will not have a life
worth living.
what is this isness of our world right now? Chaos. No doubt
about it. Things are up in the air all over the place, and life
is becoming increasingly surreal as we move closer to that mythic,
often hyped, Mayan end-of-the-world-as-we-knew-it party (2012
or thereabouts, though some people are quibbling over the actual
date and what it means).
On a bad day (when fatalism reigns supreme in my inner kingdom)
I look at the world and wonder, what the—to use a grand
old word from the King’s English—f__k is going on.
I mean can we humans really be that stupid? Well, evidently
yes. And on these glum days I see little hope for any movement
up the evolutionary ladder. In fact, when I see the rampant
stupidity going on around (and to be honest, sometimes inside)
me, I think we will be forever set-back a grade and never graduate
from Middle School—or is it Elementary?
Then on those wondrous optimistic days I look at the chaos
of the world and know that chaos is actually a highly creative
state. Anything can happen. Unpredictable miracles can and do
occur (along with horrors, but that’s another story).
The point is that we are in a highly volatile time and the course
of events can change in a moment’s notice. I pray for
this change of course every day, and in my optimistically flavored
moments, I see reasons to hope that it shall be so.
But whatever the outcome, the show isn’t over. And it
won’t be over—to use George Carlin’s politically
correct turn of phrase—until the weight challenged lady
I guess what I want to say personally here, to answer those
people who have asked for my take on the current state of affairs—is
to enjoy your life more. Find things to appreciate and practice
senseless moments of appreciation just for the heck of it. It
will help make you more creative, resourceful and intelligent
and less of a stick-in-the-mud and evolutionary slacker. And
who knows, maybe if enough of us try it, we just might tip the
scales in favor of our survival as a species.
And now here is what the Hathors had to say in early June,
2004. Remember, the truth will set you free, but first it will
piss you off, or scare the shit out of you. Have a great life
and keep smiling!
*Suggested reading: The Hathor Material, Tom Kenyon and Virginia
Essene, SEE Publishing
A Message for the Life Sustainers
A Message from the Hathors through Tom Kenyon
June 21, 2004
You are at a pivotal point in the fulcrum of consciousness.
Your earth is about to undergo a purification the likes of which
have not been seen for 26,000 years. The timelines of this would
have been sooner were it not for the intervention of beings
in many realms and the efforts of what you call light workers,
which we view as “life sustainers.”
is a highly catalytic energy coming from deep space, which is
striking the Great Central Sun (of your galaxy) and the Sun
of your solar system. Your Sun is experiencing immense changes
in its magnetic field, and this is, in turn, affecting the magnetic
field of your Earth. This is altering many dynamic systems on
your planet including, but not limited to, the oceanic conveyer
belt. This deep-space energy that is affecting both the Sun
and your Earth is essentially an energy of accelerating self-awareness
and spiritual evolution. The universe (or at least this part
of it) is waking up to itself in new and different ways. And
this process of increased self-awareness is speeding things
up, so to speak. It is important to realize that what looks
like a disturbance at one level of consciousness can be seen
as a catalyst at another level.
Whether life is allowed to continue on this planet or not,
will be decided collectively through a reaction to the choices
you make as humanity. If the collective is able to receive these
energies from deep space and make an evolutionary and spiritual
leap, the disturbance of the electromagnetic fields, specifically
the magnetic poles, will not affect the conveyer belt the way
that it is now. Think of yourself as living on a giant gyroscope.
The slightest movement of a gyroscope creates tremendous movement
in the rings of the gyroscope, the stabilizing rings. So the
gyroscope of Earth is fluctuating, but this fluctuation can
be expressed as physical manifestation, or as elevations of
consciousness. But if the collective consciousness of this Earth
does not elevate quick enough, then the gyroscope will simply
transfer the energy to the physical dimension, specifically
the magnetic poles and the magnetic field, which, in turn, affects
the conveyer belt. If the conveyer stops, life, as you know
it, will become very difficult or end altogether, quickly. We
would say to you that you are very close to this point.
As to weather, expect increasingly turbulent storms of greater
strength and amplitude. We wish to convey to you a clear understanding
that these storms are an out-picturing of the violence, the
misdirected energy, and the imbalance of human consciousness.
If, somehow, enough individual consciousnesses within the collective
are able to elevate themselves into the fifth or higher dimensions
of consciousness, the energies from deep space will be integrated
through the process of elevation.
If, collectively, you are not able to attain this, these energies
will affect the physical aspect of Earth’s gyroscope,
to use that metaphor. And life as you know it and have experienced
it will be very difficult due to climatic and Earth changes.
You are about to see a tremendous increase in geothermal activity,
including volcanoes and earthquakes. You are already seeing
a tremendous increase in tornadoes and this will only escalate.
The hurricanes that will be coming in the next year and the
years to follow will make previous hurricanes seem like a gentle
So let us summarize the first idea we wish to convey. The impulse
for increased consciousness is flowing from deep space, striking
your Sun, and affecting the subtle energies of your earth. If
humanity is able to rise to a level of spiritual mastery these
affects will be decreased, transmuted, and become a source for
further elevation.
humanity is not able to attain this, then the physical act of
purification must take place—simply because energy cannot
be destroyed. We are not alarmists. This message is not intended
to create distress, but rather to create awareness of the need
for taking care of yourself and your loved ones in specific
There are two areas of action we suggest. The first has to
do with spiritual preparation and the second has to do with
physical survival. From the standpoint of yourselves as souls,
it is immaterial whether your present embodiment continues or
not. Spiritual preparation means to prepare for the possibility
of your death through a recommitment to your life—to living
and choosing what is essential for ever-increasing experiences
of appreciation and joy. It sounds odd, but following your deepest
sense of joy will lead you to be in the places where you will
most likely survive, should the Earth go into a period of purification.
Spiritual preparation also includes clearing away the obstructions
between you and your own psychic knowing, and being willing
to move in an instant’s notice, and a willingness to move
even if those around you insist on remaining where they are.
Should the Earth go into its travail of purification, you must
be prepared to follow your own inner knowing, for that is the
only compass you will have, both literally and figuratively.
In terms of physical survival, at the very least, you will need
to obtain and store food and emergency supplies, including water
and warm clothing, even if you live currently in a mild to tropical
environment. Get to know your friends and neighbors, for it
may require a level of cooperation you are not used to, in order
to physically survive the purification. Even if outright catastrophe
is averted, there will be a radical increase in aberrant weather
and possible challenges to food production.
Finally we would say to begin a discipline of connecting with
your spiritual aspect, in whatever ways you find most effective.
You will want to strengthen these connections, for if the Earth
enters into travail, there will be much chaos and many voices
from those in distress and in confusion, and you will need to
have access to your innermost self—to the small silent
voice within—to tell you where to go and what to do, and
sometimes that may mean going nowhere and doing nothing.
For those living within the US, know that you are being lied
to, both politically and economically. It is not our focus to
discuss these issues facing you. Anyone interested in such things
can find the information. Let us just say that it is quite possible
that the US economy will falter within the next year or two.
Simple logic and common sense are your allies here. Preparing
for a possible economic downturn means to become financially
self-reliant. Should this occur, you will find that life gets
much simpler. For one who has achieved a detachment from their
monetary expectations, the devaluing of money will be a difficulty,
to be sure, but not an emotional and spiritual catastrophe.
Build your house upon solid ground, not the shifting sands.
And in this case, the shifting sands are your monetary system.
The solid ground is your connection to your own God-Self, to
the spiritual dimensions where you dwell, even as you live on
Finally we wish to say to you that as difficult as the challenges
are, you are still the Masters of your destiny, although you
slumber in forgetfulness. If you are to survive you must awaken.
In our world we have a ritualistic object. It is made of the
finest gold that has been culled from the ninth dimension. In
this box there are three symbolic stones. We refer to this box
as the Ark of Humanity, as a symbol for that which will carry
you (humanity) into a new dimension.
The three stones represent the three within humanity. There
are those who would rather kill and die than awaken to the truth
of themselves as Creator Gods. They remain asleep, though dangerous,
since they sleepwalk and appear to be like everyone else. These
are the people of the first stone.
The second stone represents those who do not wish to be bothered;
do not wish to change how they live life. They are not particularly
violent, just numb.
The third stone represents those who are awakening and have
awakened to themselves as Creator Gods, understanding that they
are responsible for their aspect of Creation and who willingly
accept the responsibility of living upward through joy and harmony
in a world so full of conflict.
Ark of Humanity holds all three stones, and if the Ark of Humanity
is to carry the entire collective into the fifth dimension and
beyond, it must carry all three stones. The task for collective
transmutation rests upon the shoulders of those of the third
stone. Even though you are late in the hour (so to speak), total
catastrophe can be averted. Ironically it has more to do with
how the third stone of humanity chooses to live their life.
If you succumb to the emotions of fear and horror, the Ark of
Humanity will not be carried into the fifth dimension and beyond,
because the purification will destroy most life on Earth. If
this occurs, you will simply find that you will return to the
spiritual realm according to the level of your development and
spiritual attainment.
So we speak not to the first or second stones, for they cannot
hear us; although their eyes may see these words or their ears
hear the words, they will not comprehend. This is for those
of you of the third stone. You know who you are. For you will
have been electrified by what you have just read.
We bow to you, the protectors and the guardians of the human
spirit. We bow to you, sages and masters, for your spiritual
courage to have incarnated upon this Earth at this time. Live
more fully. Laugh more heartily. Forgive more completely. You
are the Masters of your destiny. Be Happy.
The Hathors
@Copyright 2005 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved website: www.tomkenyon.com
Note: You may duplicate this information in any format and
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