Okapia Angel Cards - Watercolours
The angels come to be with you - through and with
the purest essence of love. They are painted through the heart
by Okapia and designed to touch the soul of who you are and
awaken you to be truly yourself. To bring harmony to the physical
body, emotional body, thought body and spiritual body through
the colour that they emit. Each angel brings a blessing to
all those who see. They send a message, especially for you:

Carol is an inspired, talented artist who painted
the angel on the c.d cover and you can see more of her beautiful
work by visiting her website at www.okapia.org

Angelic Realm CD cover was designed by Carol
at Okapia for Jeanne Christie
Angelic One
for YOU are
Feel the inner peace blossom and rise from the fullness of the
innocence of your Divine essence
Feel the Love and peace flow through each cell, each atom, each
molecule of You
Feel the waves that engulf; the loving flow of the All
Breathe deeply from the heart and Feel
Feel the depths of truth
Be at peace and surrender to You, the God in You, the infinite
Love of your being
Surrender in Joy to the beauty that surrounds and is within,
for it abounds
Surrender to the stillness, the silence, the serenity, the peace
Surrender with Love and through Love
Let go to the Love of All
Be that which excites the heart
Be that which lights the soul
Be true to the infinite You
Be at One and Be All
Just Be
The pureness
The essence
The All
Be All that You are…and fly!